Saturday 8 November 2014

Some agents respond

I have had three responses thus far, ranging from 'I don't publish novellas...' to 'Not right now for me...', and 'Keep looking for an agent even though this submission is not for me...'.  I have sent courteous thanks to each agent and will keep their names for future consideration.

Meanwhile I have started a sequel to the novella - one that can stand alone, but follows the premise and will hopefully be a novel rather than a novella. My outline is strong, my throughline makes sense, and I have a 'hook'.

I am enjoying the creativity of the first draft, trying not to improve as I go, and waiting for the next stage to alter or adapt anything.  Not so easy when one is somewhat anal in approach!  Disipline seems to be a necessary part of writing.  More on this as we go along...

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