Monday 20 October 2014

Progress on the NA novel/novella

My New Adult book is into its third draft now.  My only beta reader is Chris, my spouse, and I could do with two more for this important stage.  He is not enjoying the book very much on a personal level, but whether he likes it is totally beside the point.  I am asking for critique and identification of possible problems with plot, characterization, dialogue etc.  Not to solve any found problems - that is my job.  I am afraid for the time when I will submit this to agents!   The dreaded pink slips could drown me.  Yet, that is the reality of attempting to become an author.  I know all this - but to have an instant success would be a dream come true.
Enough of dreaming.  I already have the follow-up story in my head and have made notes.  The next one will be better as I practice this craft more and more.  It is consuming- it fills one with creativity and notions that I cannot keep up with on the keyboard.  Notes and an outline are mandatory for me - could never wing this!  I have been learning the skills from some excellent books on writing and Writers Digest is helpful.  At the end of the day....just start writing!