Saturday, 23 August 2014

I am finding little spare time to contribute to this particular blog, so it is time to connect once more.

The expression, "Time Flies", is certainly proving true for me.  It is sad comment on our lives, that like so many I fail to reserve enough time for those I love most.  I have done this before, and neglecting friendships is tragic.  I treasure my friends, and have made more effort in that direction since moving to Panama, and away from so many people I truly care about. I know there will soon come the day that I will leave this little Paradise and return "home".  After all, paradise is never quite what we expected anyway, and home is wherever you hang your hat.

I have created many homes through my life.  I seemed to be unable to stay in one place for too long.  The longest in one house was actually just short of 13 years.  That speaks volumes.  This itchy feet syndrome must be inbred or inherited?  I actually now yearn to stay in one place, to not just hang my hat, but to bury it in the garden!  I thought the home I am in now might be that place.  But sadly, no.  A new friend told me last year to "enjoy wherever you are, while you are still there" and that seems good advice.

My writing is progressing and consuming much of my thinking hours right now.  After two self-published books about Panama, and a twice rejected children's book, I am attempting a full length novel aimed a the New Adult market.  Some struggles with this first draft, and now I am in the middle section, which is bogging down.  The plan is to keep going. The second draft will sort the grain from the chaff, and the third draft should be polishing!  Dialogue is an enormous challenge, as is the tendency to overuse adjectives.  A steep learning curve is underway.

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