Saturday, 28 March 2015

Almost done with first and second drafts

Completed the penultimate chapter of the novel today. I have the ending mapped in my head, and it is actually written on my brain. Now to commit to paper! My writing style means I not only get those ideas down, but I edit as I go. Not recommended by anyone as far as I know, but I am finding I cannot do this any other way. It comes from all those years of preparing lengthy papers for my degrees, when I found the same issue. I cannot let mistakes go by if I see them! Anal!
However it makes the editing much easier when I finally reach that point. I wonder if it really matters how you do this writing thingie, so long as you get it done.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Writers Block?

Now nearing the culmination of my novel - approaching both climax and culminating point - I am stuck with a mind block that defies me. I know how the characters want their story to end, but do I want the same. I have two very different avenues to take, and am so undecided and sitting on a most unomfortable picket fence!

So, who will win - depends, and I may have to write two versions - a good idea, and I only just thought of it!  Off we go again...